
技嘉还发布了两项级新卡GeForce GT 520的今天,有两种功能,其他厂商所不具备的。
The two new card types were GV-N520OC-1GI, GV-N520TC-1GI, using half knife version model, heat sink with a small fan.The former comes with 64-bit 1GB DDR3 memory, the latter is only 512MB, but the general computer configuration and quotation TurboCache technology can be used as a memory system 512MB shared memory, also reached the nominal 1GB model, just because the memory in the speed and memory speed cannot be compared, so the effect also cannot be mention in the same breath.
两卡预超频率,其核心/流处理器可以达到830 / 1660mhz,略高于810 / 1620hz大众版,但内存的等效频率是1800MHz,输出接口都是VGA,DVI,HDMI。
680),宽度= 680 src= / / / / 3 file070615_38 2011418132842668.jpgborder=0alt=技嘉今天发布了两个新的入门级卡的GeForce GT 520 />
680),宽度= 680 src= / / / / 3 file070615_38 2011418132928987.jpgborder=0alt=技嘉今天发布了两个新的入门级卡的GeForce GT 520 />
此外,技嘉超级超频超级超频图形的新模型gv-n580so-15i也出现在官方网站,使用超耐用的VGA +超耐用的设计,配备2盎司铜层,proadlizer去耦电容、亚铁盐芯电感,铁氧体电感、低RDS MOSFET等先进材料,辅以WINDFORCE 3X散热器,三真空室,铜热管,三个PWM智能风扇转速,频率为855 / 1710 / 4100mhz,并支持三SLI输出接口是两个DVI和一个迷你HDMI标准。